About Lexington Fit Club

One of the concerns I had when I was going to buy P90X was whether it would work or a waste of money.  Unlike buying a car, you can test drive the model you like at the dealership, but with fitness videos you only have the infomercial to base your research on and reviews made by others.  I am a hands on person so I wanted to experience what P90X had to offer but since you can't rent it on Netflix or Blockbuster I made the purchase.  Beachbody does provide a 90 day Money Back Guarantee so you can do P90X and return it if it is not for you.  I took the challenge and happy with the results.  I am keeping my P90X.

The Lexington Fit Club was started to help people find the right tools to achieve their fitness goals.  The Lexington Fit Club allows you to experience  P90X  and other Beachbody Fitness Videos first hand.  I am currently in the process of finding a location in Lexington SC for individuals to be able to work out with me and try out P90X.  The work out is FREE and there is NO commitment expected.  Just bring a towel and a water bottle because you'll need it.  If you are interested  in trying out P90X, or have questions about it you can call me at 803-414-5677 or email at LifeSmartHelp@gmail.com.

We have a new location for us to meet starting this first weekend of October.   It will be the Harvest Church on Hwy 378 in Lexington.  It is closer in for some of the Fit Club members and will host our MEETUP workouts very well. 
STARTING Saturday Oct. 1st
9am -1030am 
Harvest Church
Building - The Alley
(The Alley is the last building on the right of the Church)

4865 Sunset Blvd
Lexington, SC 29072

Map It
Voluntary Donation to Church for letting us use the room.

Bring a water bottle and a towel.  For more information call NELSON at 803-414-5677 or email at LifeSmartHelp@gmail.com  or become my buddy on TEAM BEACHBODY.com - nickame, LifeSmartNelson.    Visit Lexington Fit Club at MeetUp and sign in as member. Find out what we are work out schedule.  RSVP if you will be attending so we can save a spot for you. 

Lexington Fit Club - Lexington SC - FREE INFO and WORKOUTS to P90X and INSANITY.  Coming SOON P90X2.  PREORDER P90X2 for CHRISTMAS and GET FREE SHIPPING and 2 Bonus Workouts.

Independent Beachbody Coach - Nelson Bermas - Lexington SC


  1. Aug. 20 Lexington Fit Club Workout - CARDIO X

    We had 11 Fitness Seekers attend the first FREE P90X workout in Lexington. Everyone had a good workout. A place of support and encouragement for people making a commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

  2. Aug. 27 Lexington Fit Club Workout - Plyometrics

    We worked out to the MOTHER OF ALL P90X WORKOUTS P90X. The group survived, a few pounds lighter from all the sweating they did. We also sampled Shakeology, super health shake. Everyone did their best.
